It’s easy to get to the Old Chief's Deck… just go over the Coronado Bay Bridge to Coronado and follow Third Street all the way to the front gate of Naval Air Station North Island (NASNI). At the main gate, you be stopped by a gate guard and asked for your name. CDR Wade (aka Pat Wade) will be submitting guest names to Base Access, Calvin Alexander, a few days before the party. To be allowed on base, you must have a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, and vehicle registration. (You shouldn't be driving around without these anyway). If you have a rental car, the rental agreement will suffice for proof of insurance and registration. The rental agreement must have an expiration date later than May 3, 2008. My cell is 858-449-4440 and Patrick’s is 619-981-3041 if you have any trouble.

Once you make it through the front gate, it’s really easy to find the Old Chief's Deck. At the first light, take a left onto Rogers Road and keep following the road for 2 miles past the golf course until the Navy Lodge (Terra Cotta rooftop) is on your left.

Naval Air Station North Island (NASNI) is a federal installation which means that talking on CELL PHONES while driving is ILLEGAL. You will be pulled over if Shore Patrol or the base police see you chatting on the phone. They will also give you a hard time if they see your phone out while you are passing through the gate. Every once and a while I will be “reminded” of the rule if they see my phone out. They are not picking on you… they take safety VERY seriously on the base. While driving on base, obey the speed limit. Not only will you receive a ticket, but CDR Wade as your sponsor will hear though his command up at Port Hueneme that there was a problem. This is not fun for him.
In the below picture (Zoomed out to see the street configuration), the Navy Lodge is the building with the terra cotta tiled roof. The 710 building is the one on the beach just to the left: