After school, we had 17 kids at the house for a pre Trick or Treating party.
There was apple bobbing... the yellow one was worth the most points, then the green and then the red apples.
There was the spider ring toss... it looked bigger in the Oriental Trader Catalog.
The Jack-O-Lantern Jump (potato sack race) was a huge hit.
As was the "Mummy Wrap" - yes 5 minutes to turn your partner into a mummy with a roll of toilet paper.
The donut eating contest was messy as usual.
We had a scavenger hunt in other yards... no pictures but for the record the girls beat the boys.
We had popcorn balls And Linda made a pumpkin shaped corn bread to go with the chili I made for the adults. The kids had Mummy Dogs... hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls.
Pat and I were exhausted by the end of the party... sadly he had duty up at Port Huneme (last drill up there) on November 1st... so he had a 4 hour drive to look forward to after Trick or Treating. He is a trooper...
This is in the front yard just before starting to Trick or Treat. The kids are standing with our "Scarecrows". The big one scared me every time I tried to back out of the driveway!
And here is the haul. Thomas' pile is always smaller than Madigan's due to the elimination of all peanut products. He did change costumes mid Trick or Treating because it was hard to see and move as a Midget. He makes a fine Mad Scientist.