Thomas Wade's Extra Credit Music Video for PAH.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
2009 Christmas Card & Letter

Hooray for Holy Wood! Amazing how removing one letter from a word can alter the meaning so significantly. Yes that really is the Hollywood sign, I just Photoshopped it a bit.
Thomas is in the fifth grade and turning eleven this month, officially a ‘tween. He is still having fun playing Little League and this year he played flag football. Thomas and his good friend Jack won “Most Original” as Santa and an elf in the school Halloween costume contest. Yes they knew they mixed up the holidays, and apparently that is hilarious. For years Thomas has been trying to pull a tooth out on December 24th so that Santa and the Tooth Fairy collide. Thomas is still a minimalist and happiest hanging out with his friends playing Wii and Beatles Rock Band. He is as always easy to please and oh so much like his Dad.
Madigan is eight years old and in the third grade. Princesses are now history; hello Hannah Montana. The love of her life still remains her bunny Dusty. Her softball helmet has a picture of a grey bunny painted on it. Thanks to our friend Mark’s costume engineering, Madigan and her friend Nicole won as a runaway roller coaster in the school costume contest this year. Madigan’s new talent is playing Jingle Bells on her keyboard… but that’s it, over and over. We really need to sign her up for piano lessons.
Commander Wade is now retired. As of 1 November 2009, Patrick is a retired Navy Officer. For the first time since 1983, Patrick does not have a CO or an XO or a uniform – weird. As a member of the WD-40 Tribe, Pat is Vice President, Global Innovation Sourcing Management. Look for the many new WD-40 innovations to be introduced to the market during 2010. There are some in our garage and they are amazing.
In July, I accepted an offer for full time career employment for the first time in ten years. My new position is as a product manager for an analytic software product for McKesson Health Solutions. Yes, nearly the same title as my last full time job in 1999; working again for Rose. The job is challenging, but my new co-workers make it worth it. I am learning a lot from them. I work 3 weeks a month from home and 1 week a month in Boston. Perfect.
Our big project for 2010 is overhauling our backyard. We are planning on building a pool. We hope this will get Clare and her boys to come out more often. Kelly McDonald will come if there is a pool boy and no little boys.

I always wonder if people are sick of getting so many pictures from us. That question was answered by acquaintances of ours who lost their home in the fires of 2007. They told us that everything that they share or gave away came back to them after they lost their house. Every picture they sent to others they have today, but everything that they kept to themselves they lost. Yes, you are my back-up.
May the love that emanates from the Holy Family embrace your family this Christmas season.
Rebecca, Patrick, Thomas and Madigan (and Dusty) Wade
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Prep
Monday, September 7, 2009
"I Will" by Thomas P. Wade
For my personal goal, I WILL learn to play the guitar at least at a beginner level this year. To achieve this goal I will get a guitar lesson book and video, I already have the guitar. I will learn the musical notes and I will practice the guitar for an hour at least three times a week. I really like playing guitar hero and I have become pretty good at the game, but I know that playing a real guitar is different and a little bit harder. It will take a lot of concentration and practice for me to learn to play the guitar, but when I do I will be able to play songs for myself, my friends and my family.
For my academic goal, I WILL get straight A’s this school year. This goal will show that I have done my very best in school. To achieve this goal I will be on time to class, I will do my homework every day, I will pay attention in class, and I won’t wait until the last day to prepare for tests and projects. I will work hard in all subjects even if they are not my favorite subjects. This last part may be the most difficult because sometimes it is hard to get excited about all subjects, but I will stay focused and do my best and I know I can get straight A’s.
For my family goal, I WILL take more responsibility as a member of my family. My Father works full-time at his job. My Mother recently went back to work full-time. Both my parents must travel for business and they need help to keep the house in good order. I will do more jobs around the house such as doing my laundry, cleaning my room, cleaning up around the house, clearing dishes from the table, picking up the mail, listening to my parents, being helpful with my sister and helping my family when needed.
Next year when I have finished these goals, I will make new ones. I will never stop trying to reach my goals and I hope to have fun while accomplishing them. When I achieve all of these goals, I will be very proud of myself and I will have made a difference for my future and my family. "
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Surf Camp for the Wade Kids
I know I am WAY behind on the blog, I am planning to do a long review of the last few months as one entry as a way to catch up. Right now I am working on Madigan's birthday party. So look for an unbelievable comprehensive review of the last few months next week.

This is Thomas doing the "Board Walk". The counselors take the kids out beyond the breaking waves and they hold all of the surfboards together to make a long rectangular raft. Then the kids individually jump up and walk across it. Madigan went first, so I didn't get a video of her, but Thomas was last to go, so I got this video of him. It's not very clear; the camera is the size of a credit card and I was on shore.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Madigan's Note to her Dad
1. You make money for our family.
2. You go to the Navy to make people safe.
P.S. You are not only the best dad in the world, but in the galaxy. I LOVE YOU!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
First Communion Invitation