I am sure you guessed from the title that we had some snow here in Kabul. Or perhaps you thought I was singing a late Christmas carol. We did get a good couple of days of snowfall here and it was quite beautiful.
Normally, I am not one to wish for snow, especially since I live in San Diego, but here the snow was pretty. Following the snows though we have had some bitterly cold days in the teens and 20's. I know why I live in San Diego. Of course, we did not have anything like they had in Greenbay, WI for the NFL playoff game. Yes, I did get to watch some football, I only watched the Chargers - Patriots game which was played from 12:30 am to 4 am. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your perspective, the Chargers lost a well played game.
I suppose I am looking forward to seeing the Patriots make history by having an undefeated season and winning the Super Bowl.
Here at work, I have been doing a bit of administrative work. As people depart from theater, everyone gets an evaluation and an award. It takes a good deal of time to complete all the writeups necessary for all the people and the stream of people is never ending. Other than that it has been the usual work with meetings, shipping and buying more stuff to support Afghanistan.
Back on the homefront, Rebecca has been extremely motivated working several projects around the house. She has decided to tackle the house one room at a time in hopes of keeping some order to her thinking. (Editor's Note: It's actually my "Room of the Month" plan for 2008... a plan I devised while listeing to Thomas explain the "WebKinz of the Month" program. I am starting with the master bathroom, not fun but I am making progress and have until the31st to finish it. I am bound and determined to clean out every cabinet and drawer in said "Room of the Month" throwing out all of the junk that has been collecting for the past five years. Kelly Dolan will be so proud of me.) Thomas and Madigan are busy with school and looking for time to play the Wii. While I was home, Rebecca and I planned our vacation and we are taking the kids on a Mexican Riviera cruise.
It will be a good time to catch up after I return home. We also have some friends joining us on the cruise so it should be a fun time. Rebecca has already started planning a welcome home party for me. It actually is a combination welcome home, Rebecca's belated 40th birthday and my birthday. She has reserved a site at Naval Air Station, North Island in Coronado and the party will be on May 3rd, my actual birthday.
Often times people wonder what it is like here in Afghanistan and although I can describe life here, sometimes that is not enough. So I have come up with ten ways to feel like you are deployed to Afghanistan.
1. Avoid seeing your family for months at a time.
2. Put a porto pottie in your backyard and only use that when you need to go.
3. Don't clean the bathroom often.
4. Burn some old tires in your backyard and stand next to the fire for hours and enjoy the aroma.
5. Only live in a quarter of your bedroom.
6. When you go out put on as many clothes as possible so it is difficult to move.
7. Carry a weapon wherever you go. If you don't have a weapon, carry around a heavy metal pole.
8. While driving, drive real fast in and out of traffic and don't let other cars get too close to you, also try driving on the wrong side of the road.
9. Don't drink water from the sink and only use bottled water to brush your teeth.
10.When taking a shower, wear shower shoes (flip flops) and change the temperature from hot to cold every minute.
Peace to you all,

Here at work, I have been doing a bit of administrative work. As people depart from theater, everyone gets an evaluation and an award. It takes a good deal of time to complete all the writeups necessary for all the people and the stream of people is never ending. Other than that it has been the usual work with meetings, shipping and buying more stuff to support Afghanistan.
Back on the homefront, Rebecca has been extremely motivated working several projects around the house. She has decided to tackle the house one room at a time in hopes of keeping some order to her thinking. (Editor's Note: It's actually my "Room of the Month" plan for 2008... a plan I devised while listeing to Thomas explain the "WebKinz of the Month" program. I am starting with the master bathroom, not fun but I am making progress and have until the31st to finish it. I am bound and determined to clean out every cabinet and drawer in said "Room of the Month" throwing out all of the junk that has been collecting for the past five years. Kelly Dolan will be so proud of me.) Thomas and Madigan are busy with school and looking for time to play the Wii. While I was home, Rebecca and I planned our vacation and we are taking the kids on a Mexican Riviera cruise.

Often times people wonder what it is like here in Afghanistan and although I can describe life here, sometimes that is not enough. So I have come up with ten ways to feel like you are deployed to Afghanistan.
1. Avoid seeing your family for months at a time.
2. Put a porto pottie in your backyard and only use that when you need to go.
3. Don't clean the bathroom often.
4. Burn some old tires in your backyard and stand next to the fire for hours and enjoy the aroma.
5. Only live in a quarter of your bedroom.
6. When you go out put on as many clothes as possible so it is difficult to move.
7. Carry a weapon wherever you go. If you don't have a weapon, carry around a heavy metal pole.
8. While driving, drive real fast in and out of traffic and don't let other cars get too close to you, also try driving on the wrong side of the road.
9. Don't drink water from the sink and only use bottled water to brush your teeth.
10.When taking a shower, wear shower shoes (flip flops) and change the temperature from hot to cold every minute.
Peace to you all,
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