It is hard to believe that Madigan has turned 7 today. Days with my kids can be very L O N G but the years seem to fly by. Madigan's day started this morning with breakfast in bed, a tradition in our house. You only get the blue "Celebrate" plate on special occasions.

You'd think that would be it for her birthday, but no. We make a big deal about birthdays. Yes, we (really it's just me, Patrick just plays along to appease me) are part of the eleborate kid party problem. Admitting it is the first step I hear...
Birthdays when Patrick and I were kids, consisted of a few gifts and cake after dinner with your brothers and sisters. But then when I was at Boston College and discovered the pleasure of a week long birthday celebration - yes Sally D, I'm talking about you - I was hooked. By the time I graduated college, I had two really good friends (Kelly and Clare - see the party pictures) that had the same birth date as me and we had some really great parties together. And part of the reason I overdo birthdays is because of my sister Nancy and the Irwin sisters. They always have fabulous parties for their kids... really memorable. So now I am doing it for my kids, and I have lots of help, so it's out of control... but I LOVE it! On Sunday Madigan had an Enchanted Tea Party at the Grand Del Mar.
Linda discovered this invitation in a book. Linda made all of the crowns, so all I had to do was the wording and assemble the cards.

Kristin made these amazing wrist corsages out of blank slap bracelets. Yes Elizabeth, they are butterflies and I did save you one... and one for your sister.

Kristin and I worked our fingers numb making pearl, crystal, and flower hair pins.

Linda and I made up a princess bingo game.

From the same book as the invitation, I made these placecards. The candies inside are called "Dutch Mints" and they are delicious.
Kristin made up the party favors. When we went to the El Capitan to see "Enchanted" last December, we collected and saved 20 popcorn buckets. Since Patrick was in Afghanistan, Uncle Gordy carried them around all day for me. He's such a sport. Then Kristin sent pet gummy rats and "I Love NY" t-shirts. We added an apple for good measure - not poisoned of course. 

Aunt Linda and Uncle Gordy had bought Madigan a beautiful pink and light green tea dress. Sadly Madigan proclaimed "it itches" and she begged to wear her all white Flower Fields dress. Still pretty, but I was disappointed that she wouldn't wear the green and pink dress.
Gordy, Patrick and Thomas walked the girls from the valet to the library dressed in their tuxedos.
The Grand Del Mar is a spectacular hotel. It's my new favorite place and it's only 5 minutes from our house. For the tea party, the staff put us in the library by ourselves. With 15 girls and a few parents watching it was perfect.
We had one server named Jessica, who as fate would have it, is in school studying to be a teacher. She wants to teach first or second grade, how funny! She was absoultely wonderful and really great with the girls.
Without requesting them, the chef made these beautiful choclate covered strawberries for Madigan's birthday party. I just can't say enough about the food and service and The Grand.

It is a very special place.
Miss Kristin delivered a tea lesson to the girls, which they took very seriously.
We played a memory game, an "Enchanted" Mad Lib, and then played princess bingo. To facilitate serving, we brought an "Enchanted" cupcake cake. Miss Kristin provided a sparkler candle - a number 7. Lots of excitement over the sparkler candle.
This is the group of 15 young ladies, they were all delightful!
The birthday girl with the party planners.

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